Burger Lab

Burger Lab

Dylan Burger profile picture

Contact Information

Dylan Burger, PhD
613-562-5800 x 8241

2513-451 Smyth Rd.
Ottawa, ON
K1H 7N9

ORCID logo https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3951-2911

What We Do

Our laboratory seeks to apply our expertise in the area of extracellular vesicle biology to explore mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of chronic disease including diabetes, hypertension and kidney disease). We and others have shown that extracellular vesicles may serve as biomarkers of underlying disease as well as bioactive signaling vectors. 

Current Research Activities

1. The effects of the diabetic microenvironment on circulating extracellular vesicle formation and function. 

2. Identifying novel mechanisms driving extracellular vesicle formation

3. The biology of urinary extracellular vesicles in renal disease. 

4. The use of circulating and urinary extracellular vesicles as diagnostic tools.

The Burger lab is an inclusive environment. We welcome applications from all, including women, people of colour, LGBTQ+, indigenous persons, and persons with disabilities.

Selected Publications

1. Munkonda MN, Akbari S, Landry C, Turner M, Sun S, Holterman CE, Nasrallah R, Hébert RL, Kennedy CRJ, Burger, D* (2018) “Podocyte-derived Microparticles Promotes Proximal Tubule Fibrotic Signaling Via p38 MAPK and CD36”. J Extracell Ves Feb 2;7(1):1432206.

2. Abolbaghaei A, Langlois MA, Murphy H, Feig D*, Burger D* (2021) “Circulating extracellular vesicles during pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes”. Biomark Res 9(1):67.

3. Myette RL, Xiao F, Geier P, Feber J, Kennedy CRJ, Burger D (2023) “Urinary Podocyte-derived Large Extracellular Vesicles are Increased in Pediatric Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome”. Nephrol Dial Transpl doi: 10.1093/ndt/gfad086

4. Kereliuk SM, Xiao F, Dolinsky VW*, Burger D* (2022) “Extracellular vesicles as an index for endothelial injury and cardiac dysfunction in a rodent model of GDM”. Int J Mol Sci 23(9):4970.

5. Burger D, Thibodeau JF, Holterman CE, Burns KD, Touyz RM, Kennedy CRJ (2014) “Urinary podocyte microparticles identify pre-albuminuric diabetic glomerular injury”. J Am Soc Nephrol 25(7) 1401-1407

6. Olsen MH, Angell SY, Asma S, Boutouyrie P, Burger D, Chirinos JA, Damasceno A, Delles C, Giminez-Roqueplo A, Hering D, López-Jaramillo P, Martinez F, Perkovic V, Rietzschel ER, Schillaci G, Schutte AE, Scuteri A, Sharman JE, Wachtell K, Wang JG (2016) “A call to action and a life-course strategy to address the global burden of raised blood pressure on current and future generations: The Lancet Commission on Hypertension”. Lancet 26;388(10060):2665-2712.

Meet the Burger Lab